Saturday, June 13, 2009


We are on Twitter! Follow Awesomefest here:

Second, when you register for Awesomefest 2009 you will receive a cyclist number. You will use this number to bid in the silent auctions. You will also use this number to sign up for the tattoo design you want. Each artist will post their designs (by next Friday, June 19th) along with their available time slots. This is first come, first serve. Once the artist (along with their designs) are full you MUST pick another artist and design. So register NOW.

Finally, we have spoke cards! I will leave stacks at Cup O' Joe, Stauf's, Brioso, B1 and wherever else I happen to be. If you can track me down I will give you a stack. Let's make this a HUGE year.



Jess said...

I'm so bummed .... I'm going to miss this. I'll be in Southern California on August 8th :( Make sure you take plenty of photos, Nick!

Nick Fancher said...

That IS a bummer :(